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Non-Transferable Token (NTTs) on EOS


After having launched Simple Assets, CryptoLions recently added also Non-Transferable Tokens (NTTs) into their digital assets standard. Simple Assets is a standard for digital assets, both fungible and non-fungible tokens, for EOSIO blockchains. NTTs will be mainly used as give awards and trophies or official certificates and licenses.

By using a digital asset standard as such, developers won't need to build all asset logic from scratch, saving hundreds of hours of work. In addition, it will be easier for third-party projects (eg. explorers) to retrieve the same assets saved in the blockchain, allowing for greater utility.

*"We think that making NFTs sometimes transferable and sometimes not, muddles the pure expression of ownership which we strive to achieve with Simple Asset NFTs. NTTs are a distinct form type of property, operating under different rules, and deserve their own vocabulary." *

Source: https://medium.com/@cryptolions/introducing-non-transferable-tokens-ntts-2f1a532bf170

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