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EOSIO chains outperform all other blockchains

As we can see from Blocktivity, the EOSIO chains lead the ranking in terms of Blockchain Activity: EOS is first with currently a record of 74M of daily operations, while Telos with a record of 12M of daily operations managed to surpass TRON and got second.

The huge increase in activity is mainly due to the mining of EIDOS tokens, whose transactions now dominate the EOS mainnet. As for Telos the surge is due to the mining of RICH tokens richcoincoin , a new project that has replicated the mining model of EIDOS although nothing more is known yet.

Are these new kind of tokens positive for the networks?

EIDOS mining mehanism


"If you send any amount of EOS to this address, it will instantly send it back to you, and at the same time it will also send 0.01% of all EIDOS tokens it holds. Starting November 1, 2019, 8am GMT, it will also mint 25 new EIDOS tokens every second. 5 EIDOS will be sent to the team account, 20 EIDOS it will hold for the airdrop. This will go on for about 15 months, by then 1 billion EIDOS will exist and 800M of it are given to the community for free."


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