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PredIQt 2.0 Now Offers Easy-to-Use Prediction Markets on EOS

PredIQt is an EOS-based knowledge market from the team behind Everipedia. A knowledge market, also called a prediction market, is a type of market that allows users to purchase and trade shares in the outcomes of future events. In other words, users can earn money by correctly predicting whether or not any given event actually happens.

What makes PredIQt so unique is that it offers users the ability to create and participate in markets that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. If a trader wants to bet on the price of a given stock or cryptocurrency, there are plenty of places in the world where they can do so. But what if a trader wanted to bet, for example, on whether or not Tesla would release a new model this year? Or whether a given politician would be fired or investigated? Or when a prominent crypto project would launch its mainnet? That’s where PredIQt comes in-- users can create and participate in markets related to any topic on earth, enabling some of the most unique and specific prediction markets anywhere in the world.

For example, PredIQt users can currently test their hand at forecasting the spread of the novel coronavirus by participating in this market: Will the U.S. surpass 2 million COVID-19 cases by end of May?

Or they can dabble in political forecasting with this market: Will Elizabeth Warren be Selected as Joe Biden's Vice President Nominee?

It also offers markets that are uniquely interesting to the EOS community, like a past market on whether or not Voice would launch before February 14th. These markets were all created by the community of PredIQt users all over the globe.

PredIQt 2.0 is special in that users can now create their own markets and participate in market resolution via $IQ token voting. This marks an important step forward for the Everipedia community, as the project branches out into the DeFi ecosystem with PredIQt. In addition to powering a decentralized global encyclopedia, the $IQ token now also powers knowledge markets and the additional DeFi applications that will be built into PredIQt.

If you’d like to use PredIQt and participate in creating and testing your knowledge in some of the most unique markets on earth, then visit PredIQt today.

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