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IQ Tokens is now available on Vigor Protocol

Everipedia and Vigor this week announced a partnership to include Everipedia's IQ Token within the Vigor protocol as collateral, allowing unlock more potentials for the IQ tokens.

Through this integration, more than 165,000 IQ holders will enjoy additional services such as borrow, lend and save IQ tokens directly to VIGOR in a decentralized manner. IQ token is the native token of the Everipedia ecosystem, which includes not only the largest encyclopedia built on the blockchain, but also PredIQt, the prediction market destination on EOS that has millions of IQ worth of volume.

The Vigor Protocol is a decentralized and fully automated borrow, lend, and insure application on the EOS blockchain, which is governed by a DAC that actively develops, supports, and maintains it in a fully decentralized manner. IQ then adds to the list of tokens available within the VIGOR platform, which include EOS, USDT, VIG, and VIGOR.

If you are also an IQ holder, you can start redeeming rewards using your funds at Vigor.


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