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Free EOS Account with Anchor Wallet

The Greymass team recently updated their Anchor Mobile Wallet to allow all EOS users to create new accounts for $1.99, while the first account generated will be free.

The announcement of the new version of Anchor Wallet was made on Twitter, and is currently limited to the EOS mainnet. However, it will soon be expanded to other EOSIO chains as well.

Accounts created via Anchor will be suffixed with .gm, and key pairs will be automatically generated and 100% non-custodial, so the Greymass team will have no control over them. Then it will be possible to generate a backup sheet to ensure security and the possibility of recovering the account.

The creation of the accounts is extremely simple and requires just a few clicks. At the moment these new accounts do not have any resources (CPU, NET, RAM), but soon you will have free transactions daily through the new service of Greymass Fuel.


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