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EOS Foundation new Details: Structure and Plans | TLDR

Yves La Rose, Executive Director of the EOS Foundation, published additional details on the organizational structure and operational plans for the Foundation.

All financial activity will occur on-chain via eosio.grants under the guardianship of the BPs and an active key MSIG of all core team members. Periodical financial expenditure reports will be made available publicly.

An advisory board was also introduced with a committee of widely known experts including representation from the top wallets, exchanges, and blockchain businesses who the Foundation will lean on for their data access, business acumen, and deep understanding of EOS. Their advice and critical feedback will help determine how funding is to be directed to fuel the growth and development of the EOS ecosystem.

The key areas outlined for funding include core infrastructure, developer tooling and UX, security, as well as technical education. Media outreach was also highlighted with grant support at the Foundation’s onset.

At launch, grants will be directed to developers, businesses and individuals that have kept EOS running despite the clear lack of network-wide support. TLDR


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